Hello everyone !
After hours and hours of work I have officially installed the “upgradable” database feature.

Now, our module will both take visual from Scryfall AND from our own custom database with out own HD visuals for the cards.

Meaning that from now on, any user can go on our discord, and help us upgrade the quality of the pictures of the cards by submitting a high resolution top down picture of the cards.

I will then clean up the picture, make sure it fits accordingly and add it to our database.
All our own high quality card pictures will be selectable in the “edition” scroll and starts with the word HD.

By default, is a card has an HD version of it, it will be pre-selected !

So if you wish to help us grow the database for everyone to enjoy even better proxies, head over to the discord : https://discord.gg/WjRq4EhwTC
And submit your cards/card name/card edition name into the channel “Submit-better-visual” !

Simple ! Take a white paper sheet, put the card on it, and take a picture with your phone, top down, as flat as possible.
Make sure you have no reflection on the card.
If the quality is good, the angle is right and there are no reflections, the cards will be added to the database !
Do not edit the picture, we will take of this !





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