Introduction to MTG Proxies

Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is a popular collectible card game that has been around for decades. As the game has grown in popularity, so too has the demand for rare and powerful cards. Unfortunately, these cards can be expensive, making it difficult for some players to compete at a high level. That’s where MTG proxies come in. MTG proxies are reproductions of real MTG cards that are created using a variety of methods. They are often used by players who cannot afford to purchase the actual cards but still want to be competitive. In this article, we will discuss the secret to winning with MTG proxies.

buy mtg proxies

Understanding the Benefits of MTG Proxies

The primary benefit of using MTG proxies is cost savings. As previously mentioned, rare and powerful MTG cards can be very expensive, sometimes reaching hundreds or even thousands of dollars. By using proxies, players can enjoy the benefits of using these cards without breaking the bank. Another benefit of MTG proxies is their versatility. Because proxies can be created using a variety of methods, players can customize their proxies to suit their individual play styles. This allows players to experiment with different strategies and card combinations without the financial risk of purchasing the real cards.

Choosing the Right MTG Proxy

When choosing an MTG proxy, it is important to consider the quality of the proxy. Low-quality proxies may not look or feel like the real cards, which can make them easy to identify and potentially disqualify you from competitive play. High-quality proxies, on the other hand, can be nearly indistinguishable from the real cards and can provide a competitive advantage. There are several factors to consider when selecting a high-quality MTG proxy. The first is the method used to create the proxy. Some methods, such as printing, can produce high-quality proxies, while others, such as using a marker or pen, may result in low-quality proxies. The second factor to consider is the materials used to create the proxy. High-quality proxies are often made using materials that closely mimic the look and feel of the real cards. This includes using card stock of similar thickness and texture and matching the colors and design of the real card.

Using MTG Proxies in Competitive Play

Using MTG proxies in competitive play can be a bit of a gray area. While proxies are allowed in some casual play settings, they are often not allowed in sanctioned tournaments or events. If you plan on using proxies in competitive play, it is important to check with the organizers of the event beforehand to ensure that proxies are allowed. If you do plan on using proxies in competitive play, it is important to make sure that your proxies are of high quality and that they closely resemble the real cards. This will help to prevent disqualification and ensure a fair and competitive game.

The Secret to Winning with MTG Proxies

The secret to winning with MTG proxies is simple: use them strategically. While MTG proxies can provide a cost-effective way to obtain rare and powerful cards, they are not a guaranteed way to win. To be successful with MTG proxies, you need to use them strategically and in conjunction with a well-designed deck. The first step to winning with MTG proxies is to carefully consider which cards you want to proxy. Choose cards that are essential to your deck strategy and that will give you a competitive advantage. Once you have selected your cards, it is important to carefully consider how you will use them in your deck. When building your deck, it is important to keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of your proxies. Use your proxies to shore up any weaknesses in your deck and to exploit

Playing to Your Proxies’ Strengths

When playing with MTG proxies, it’s important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen cards. Some proxies may be weaker than their real card counterparts, while others may actually be stronger. Take the time to understand how your proxies will perform in your deck and how you can best utilize them. For example, if you’re using a proxy for a powerful creature card, you may want to build your deck around that card’s strengths. Use other cards that support the creature’s abilities or provide protection for it on the battlefield. If you’re using a proxy for a powerful spell card, you may want to focus on building a deck that can quickly and reliably cast that spell.

Practicing with Your Proxies

Practice is key to success with MTG proxies. Take the time to playtest your deck and get a feel for how your proxies perform in a variety of situations. This will help you to refine your deck and make any necessary adjustments before you take it to a competitive event. When playtesting, it’s important to play against a variety of opponents and deck types. This will help you to better understand how your proxies perform against different strategies and play styles. You may also want to consider playing in a local MTG playgroup or participating in online tournaments to get a better sense of how your proxies perform in a competitive setting.


MTG proxies can be a valuable tool for players who want to compete at a high level without breaking the bank. By carefully selecting high-quality proxies and using them strategically in a well-designed deck, players can gain a competitive advantage and increase their chances of winning. However, it’s important to keep in mind that proxies are not a guaranteed way to win. Success with proxies requires practice, skill, and a deep understanding of the game and its mechanics. With the right approach, however, players can use proxies to take their MTG game to the next level.


This can vary depending on the tournament and its specific rules. Some tournaments may allow the use of proxies as long as they are high-quality and indistinguishable from the real cards. However, other tournaments may not allow proxies at all. It’s important to check the tournament rules before using proxies.

There are many online sellers that offer high-quality MTG proxies. However, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable seller that uses high-quality printing materials and has a good reputation for customer service.

Yes, MTG proxies can be a great option for casual play. They can allow players to experiment with different decks and strategies without investing in expensive real cards.

The best way to test a deck with proxies is to playtest it against a variety of opponents and deck types. This will help you to understand how your proxies perform in different situations and against different strategies. You may also want to participate in local MTG playgroups or online tournaments to get a better sense of how your proxies perform in a competitive setting.

Good quality proxies should be indistinguishable from the real cards when placed in a sleeve. Look for proxies that have clear, crisp printing and accurate colors and text. The card stock should also be of similar weight and texture to real cards.