Article submission for MTG proxy coupon

Content created by playerws, for players. That is the core idea of this page.
We’re looking for MTG / MTG proxy related article of 750+ words submitted by our users.

Every article confirmed will be purchased with a coupon for 20 proxy cards [40$ value] that you can use directly on this site at check out.

Grammatically correct.
Topic must mention the use of proxy or being proxy related.
Article must be unique, no copy paste (We use tools to verify).
Any mention of “proxy” or “proxies” must be written as such : MTG proxy or MTG proxies.

Here are example of article we’d consider :
– Economical benefits from using proxies
– Top 15  MTG proxy upgrades  for your [ insert color] decks.
– Any sort of recent EDH deck review and possible proxy upgrade
Use paragraphs to break down the article in multiple parts. (No  ONE chunk of text)

If your article needs updating or is validated, we will contact you via email.
Coupon codes are sent immediatly upon aproval of the article via email.

Please complete the required fields.
Please select your image(s) to upload.